The Do's and Dont's of reproduction

The Do's and Dont's of reproduction

Pregnancy - The Do's and Dont's of reproduction

Good morning. Yesterday, I found out about Pregnancy - The Do's and Dont's of reproduction. Which could be very helpful in my experience therefore you.

With so many habitancy giving their belief on what to do and what not to do while pregnancy, it becomes hard to determine what is fact and what is fiction. Below is a list of some of the more prominent factors to consider in regards to gravidity do's and dont's.

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Food while pregnancy

Certain foods need to be avoided while pregnancy. Listeria, which is caused by uncooked meats, some seafood, unpasterized milk and soft cheeses, can cause birth defects, miscarriages and stillbirth.

Cat litter

Toxoplasmosis, is a disease which is contracted by palpate with cat feces. It is spread by a sycophant which can lead to miscarriages, stillbirth and birth defects.


Smoking while gravidity is without fail a no no. It has been related to a low birth weight, miscarriage and premature birth in many dissimilar studies. Second hand smoke poses the same dangers while pregnancy, and should be avoided at all costs.


Some studies on caffeine while gravidity have led to the end that the two do not mix well together, as caffeine may growth the possibility of miscarriage and low birth weight. On the other hand, other studies have shown no link between the two. Obviously an excessive number of caffeine is a bad idea regardless of pregnancy. An excessive number of caffeine is ordinarily regarded as over 300 milligrams per day. If you stay well clear of this figure, caffeine while gravidity is less likely to cause problems.

Safety around the house

There are many hazards around the house for pregnant women, but roughly all can be de facto avoided. If you still insist on doing all the house work yourself, try to stay clear of aerosol cans, market force cleaners and fumes from paint, solvents and strippers. All of the above have been related to birth defects and other gravidity complications. It also pays to take it a tiny easier around inevitable parts of the house such as stair cases.

Body temperature

Keeping a moderate body temperature while gravidity (especially while first trimester) is prominent as it may lead to birth defects. It is a good idea to keep an eye on your temperature while practice and keep your fluids up. Things such as saunas and hot baths are not recommended while pregnancy.

Alcohol and drugs

To be safe with alcohol while gravidity it is probably best to avoid it altogether, as there is no safe level of consumption. It can have detrimental affects on an unborn child. In comparison to a fully grown woman, a baby is very small, so you could imagine the possible damage to the baby if the mum was drunk or even tipsy. Drugs while gravidity have been shown to have a negative effect. Drugs such as cocaine have been shown to hinder the development of a baby's vital oxygen and nourishment, prominent to complications such as birth defects and even an addiction in the child itself.


Exercise while gravidity is recommended for most women, but only at a moderate pace. Women who participated in high impact exercise, weight lifting, palpate sports, high altitude training or scuba diving before pregnancy, will have to readjust their routines. Walking is extremely recommended for at least the first two trimesters, as it can help your body withstand the rigors of labor and delivery more easily.

The do's and don'ts of gravidity are dissimilar for each woman and each pregnancy. The above information is not a curative belief and should not substitute a expert curative opinion. All the time consult your physician or care provider before production any major decisions before, while and even after pregnancy.

I hope you will get new knowledge about Pregnancy . Where you possibly can put to easy use in your day-to-day life. And most of all, your reaction is passed about Pregnancy . Read more.. The Do's and Dont's of reproduction.

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